Uses of GIS


The start of a mind map about the uses of GIS - for students to use to develop their own ideas from to make their own mind maps
emma may
Mind Map by emma may, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by RAPHAEL HEATH over 10 years ago
emma may
Copied by emma may almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Uses of GIS


  • GIS stands for Geographical Information Systems. It means information that is shown in a computerised map
  1. Government
    1. Land use planning
      1. Takes into consideration physical factors e.g floodplains, water sheds but also human factors e.g good services, good transport etc
        1. You need to look at the different levels
          1. Underground e.g hydrological systems
            1. Above ground e.g transport systems, buildings
          2. Tracking viruses (e.g Zika in the US)
            1. Road and utility maintenance
            2. Emergency services
              1. Police
                1. looking at crime patterns
                  1. Working out which places need more police patrolling
                  2. Trying to predict future crime areas
                  3. Health services
                    1. Hazard management - Insurance companies
                      1. Tectonics
                        1. Earthquakes
                          1. Volcanoes
                            1. Tsunamis
                            2. flooding
                              1. Fluvial, coastal, groundwater flooding
                          2. Farming
                            1. Where are different soils
                              1. To work out which crops to grow
                            2. Transport
                              1. using weather maps
                                1. to plan safe journeys
                                2. Highway infrastructure management
                                3. Scientists and research
                                  1. Studying climate changes
                                    1. Studying population
                                      1. Migration patterns
                                        1. Looking at how wealth varies
                                          1. Income
                                            1. Employment
                                            2. How education varies
                                              1. Housing opportunities
                                                1. Services in areas and comparing
                                                  1. Population density
                                                2. Buisnesses
                                                  1. Retail
                                                    1. Banking
                                                      1. Media and entertainment
                                                      2. Biomes
                                                        1. Advantages
                                                          1. Precise, visual
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