

New South Wales - Higher School Certificate (HSC) English (Module A: Frankenstein and Bladerunner) Mind Map on Context, created by janmart.tenedora on 23/06/2013.
Mind Map by janmart.tenedora, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by janmart.tenedora over 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Frankenstein
    1. Previously religion goverened
      1. Moved to
        1. Industrial revolution
          1. empirical scientific research
            1. galvinism
          2. Romanticism helped retain
            1. personal and emotional compassion
              1. Values human spirituality
                1. swinged towards
                  1. humanistic attitude
                    1. reverence of nature over artificial
              2. Shelley
                1. questions scientific rationalists
                  1. (still values science)
                    1. Going too far?
                      1. Disregarding nature?
                    2. Warning of the consequences when going too far
                    3. Bladerunner
                      1. strong environmental focus
                        1. Nature was fragile and vulnerable
                          1. Destruction from increasing mammoth technology
                            1. Exploitation
                          2. recognition of human potential
                            1. through technology
                              1. for greatness
                                1. or DESTRUCTION
                              2. End result when man has gone too far
                                1. Portrays a bleak vision
                                  1. Illustrates
                                    1. chaos
                                      1. nuclear holocaust
                                        1. ecological fragile
                                          1. through soil depletion and rain
                                          2. Man has eliminated nature
                                            1. "When the last tree is cut and the last fish killed, the last river poisoned, then you will see that you can't eat money." - John May
                                          3. 60s-70s, time of change and political upheavel
                                            1. globalisation
                                              1. Rise of Asian involvement
                                                1. With Western nations
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