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Sikh Beliefs
Mind Map on Sikh Beliefs, created by Samantha Claydon on 09/07/2018.
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religous studies
Mind Map by
Samantha Claydon
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Samantha Claydon
over 6 years ago
Resource summary
Sikh Beliefs
The Nature of God
The Mool Mantar
Ik Onkar: There is only one God
Satnam: Eternal Truth
Karta Purakh: He is the creator
Nirhau: He is without fear
Nir Vair: He is without hate
Akaal Moorat: Immortal, without form
Ajooni: Beyond Birth and death
Saibhang: He is the enlighter, self existent
Gur Prasad: He can be reached through the mercy and gracw of the true Guru
What Sikhs believe about God
God is beyond human description
God has no Gender
Human words cannot fully describe the greatness of God
God can be experienced when he reveals himself to Sikhs
God has no limits, he is immanent: in everything.
Transcendent: Beyond Everything
The Purpose of Life
The purpose is to earn good karma and break the cycle of rebirth to join God in mukti
Manmukh: Self-centred
Gurmukh- God-centred
Haumai: too much pride/ego
A person should meditate on the name of God and rid themselves of world attachment, Greed ect
Sikhs feel human life has purpose because...
They are created by God
They are made to become one with god
They feel spiritually purified when they devote time to meditating
Guru Granth Sahib 125
'The Gurmukhs are celebrated in life and death'
God as creator
Source's of Wisdom and Authority
Mool Mantar
Karta Purakh: He is the Creator
Guru Granth Sahib 12
'You Yourself are the Creator'
When Guru Nanak pointed his feet towards a holy Muslim shrine in Mecca he said...
'Kindly turn my feet in the direction where God is not'
God is the creator of the world which symbolizes that he is...
Omnipotent: All Powerful
Omnibenevolent: All loving
Omniscient: All Knowing
Omnipresent: always present
God is present and beyond his creation. (Immanent and Transcendent)
The Oneness of Humanity
Guru Granth Sahib 349
'Recognise the Lord's Light within all, and do not consider social class or status; there are no classes or castes i the world hereafter'
Sikhs believe that God created everyone and so everyone is one/equal
This is shown in the Langar
Khalsa Sikhs are meant to stand up for those in need and wear the 5K's as symbols of equality
Sikhs also take the names Singh (boys) and Kaur (girls) to represent that they are one with God
Sewa means Selfless Service
The 3 Types of Sewa
Physical Service
Mental Service
Donation and Charity
Guru Granth Sahib 26
'In the midst of this world, do sewa, and you shall be given a place of honour in the Court of the Lord'
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