Nelson Mandela


A mind map on Nelson Mandela - Created: 18/10/2014
Mind Map by omarohashim, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by omarohashim about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Nelson Mandela
  1. Background
    1. Nelson was born on July 1918 in Qunu, a small rural village in South Africa's Eastern Cape Province.
      1. South Africa is a county is the Africa which is the second largest continent.
        1. Nelson's His tribal name was Rolihlahla which meant "One who brings trouble on himself
          1. His mother was Nonqaphi Nosekeni and his father was Nkosi Mphakanyiswa Gadla Mandela who was the principal counsellor to the Acting King of the Thembu people
    2. Achievements
      1. In 1991, Awarded Carter-Menil Human Rights Prize
        1. In 1993, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize with President FW de Klerk
      2. Early Life
        1. He attended a primary school near Qunu
          1. When he was 12, his father died and was placed in the care of an uncle who was also a tribal chief
            1. He was later interested in politics and current affairs and wanted to become a lawyer
              1. When he was 20 he enrolled at the University College of Fort Hare
                1. In 1940 he got expelled because of a protest against the living conditions at the university
                  1. He Escaped an arranged marriage and ran off to Johannesburg
        2. Family
          1. Nelson married Evelyn Ntoko Mase on 1994
            1. He had four children, but then due to political activities Nelson and Evelyn got divorced on 1958
              1. After Nelson divorced Evelyn in 1958, he married Nomzamo Winnie Madikizela
                1. Nelson and Winnie had 2 children, Zenani and Zindzi
                  1. In 1996 Nelson divorces Winnie and marries Graça Machel on his 80th birthday
                    1. In 2010, his great-granddaughter Zenani is killed in a car accident
          2. Johannesburg
            1. After running away from the arranged marriage he became a mine security officer
              1. Nelson had to live in the townships, which were areas near a city with rows of tiny boxlike houses.
                1. Later after getting fired, Walter Sinsulu secured him a job as an articled clerk
                  1. Earning a small wage, Mandela rented a room in the house of the Xhoma family in the Alexandra township
                    1. Nelson passed his BA exams in early 1943, Mandela returned to Johannesburg to follow a political path as a lawyer
            2. Death
              1. In 2001, Nelson got diagnosed with prostate cancer
                1. After being admitted to the hospital over 5 times, Nelson Mandela died from respiratory infection In the 5th of December 2013.
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