Urban Studies


These are notes for a urban studies course
Ajmaine Khan
Mind Map by Ajmaine Khan, updated more than 1 year ago
Ajmaine Khan
Created by Ajmaine Khan about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Urban Studies
  1. TOPIC 1: Anatomy of Wealth and Poverty
    1. History of the income distribution in the U.S.
      1. Assets and the wealth gap
        1. Overview of some factors contributing to inequality
          1. -Labor market shifts
            1. Wage Growth
              1. Public Spending (Or Lack There Of)
                1. Housing
                  1. Politics
    2. Topic 3: Economic Mobility, Meritocracy, and Plutocracy
      1. TOPIC 3 QUESTIONS: -Is there alot of economic mobility in the U.S. today?-How has economic mobility in the U.S. changed since the 1970's?-Is the U.S. a meritocracy or plutocracy?
      2. Ideals vs Truth
        1. Questions
          1. How to become the top 1%? , How do you beat wealth inequality in America?, What is the American Dream? Industry GDP internationally?
          2. Topic 2: Income vs assets (Wealth Gap)
            1. Wage vs Productivity=Productivity going up, but not wages.The only one benefiting is the top 1 %
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