

Mind Map on Prokaryotes, created by NurAmalina Samat on 19/10/2014.
NurAmalina Samat
Mind Map by NurAmalina Samat, updated more than 1 year ago
NurAmalina Samat
Created by NurAmalina Samat about 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Two domains
    1. Bacteria
      1. Archaea
      2. What are prokaryotes?
        1. A group of organisms that lack a cell nucleus or other membrane bound organelles
        2. Characteristic
          1. Size
            1. 0.2 to 2.0 micrometer in diameter & 2 to 8 micrometer in length
            2. Basic shapes
              1. Coccus
                1. Bacillus
                  1. Spiral
                  2. Arrangement
                    1. Diplococci, staphylococci & streptococci
                      1. Diplobacilli & streptobacilli
                        1. Vibrio, spirillum & spirochetes
                      2. Intracellular structures
                        1. Plasma membrane
                          1. Phospholipid bilayer with proteins embedded in and attached to the inner and outer surfaces
                          2. Cytoplasm
                            1. substances of the cell inside the plasma membrane
                            2. Nuclear area
                              1. Single long circular molecule of double-stranded DNA
                              2. Ribosomes
                                1. Sites of protein synthesis
                                2. Inclusions
                                  1. Reserve deposits
                                    1. Can serve as a basis of identification
                                    2. Endospores
                                      1. Resting structure formed by some bacteria for survival during adverse environmental conditions
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