

Mind Map on Website, created by Ravannah Liddar on 23/10/2014.
Ravannah Liddar
Mind Map by Ravannah Liddar, updated more than 1 year ago
Ravannah Liddar
Created by Ravannah Liddar almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Home page
    1. Quote
      1. Pictures - which links to the advert
        1. Five key points
        2. About Page
          1. Basic information, like what we aim to do as a campaign, including who it is targeted at e.g teenagers, both geneders 15-18
            1. Helpful as we are in this target audience and therefore can relate.
          2. Advert Page
            1. We will have the advert with a brief descpriton, and what we want to achieve from it.
              1. We will also have on this page pictures with information to why we took these images.
              2. Contact us
                1. Social Media
                  1. Facebook
                    1. CreativeMinds
                    2. Twitter
                      1. @_cr8iveminds
                      2. Regulary updated where we really get the target audience attention and therefore we can make them watch our campaign advert and tell them useful interesting
                    3. FAQ
                      1. What is piracy?
                        1. What is copyright infringement?
                          1. What are the laws?
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