The transition from winter to spring is one of great change, renewal and hope.


Mind Map on The transition from winter to spring is one of great change, renewal and hope., created by Steven Colgan on 24/10/2014.
Steven Colgan
Mind Map by Steven Colgan, updated more than 1 year ago
Steven Colgan
Created by Steven Colgan about 10 years ago

Resource summary

The transition from winter to spring is one of great change, renewal and hope.
  1. Design and make a decorative artefact which symbolises these themes.
    1. Winter
      1. November, December, January
        1. Clocks go back
          1. Leaves fall off trees
            1. Time of death, all souls day
              1. Winter barley is sown
        2. Spring
          1. February, March, April
            1. Clocks go forward
              1. Plants start to grow again
                1. It gets brighter
                  1. Lambing
                    1. Butterflies and bees
                      1. Seeds become plants/trees
                        1. Buds and shoots
                          1. Bluebells
                        2. Easter
                          1. Ressurection
                            1. Church candles
                            2. Easter bunny/easter eggs
                        3. Change
                          1. Butterflies and caterpillars
                            1. Seasons
                              1. Clocks going back/forward
                                1. The sun in the sky
                          2. Hope
                            1. Prayers
                              1. Candles
                              2. Wishes
                                1. Fairy trees
                              3. Renewal
                                1. Plants
                                  1. Leaves growing on trees
                                    1. Silver birch shedding its bark
                                  2. The sun
                                    1. Light
                                      1. Candles
                                2. The design and realisation of your artefact should demonstrate a range of handcraft skills.
                                  1. Joints
                                    1. Veneering
                                      1. Carving
                                        1. Woodturning
                                          1. Inlaying
                                            1. Laminating
                                              1. Pyrography
                                                1. Metalwork
                                                  1. Plastics
                                                    1. Ceramics
                                                      1. Scrollsaw
                                                      2. The artefact should be suitable for display on a shelf or mantelpiece
                                                        1. Mantelpiece
                                                          1. Sitting room
                                                            1. Narrow
                                                            2. Shelf could be in any room
                                                              1. allows for a deeper/wider project
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