tcp/ip networks


Mind Map on tcp/ip networks, created by Ivan Madrigal Gu on 23/07/2013.
Ivan Madrigal Gu
Mind Map by Ivan Madrigal Gu, updated more than 1 year ago
Ivan Madrigal Gu
Created by Ivan Madrigal Gu about 11 years ago

Resource summary

tcp/ip networks
  1. defining the rules for tcp/ip network
    1. our current working definition for network
      1. standards, protocols, conventions, and other terms
        1. the tcp/ip model
          1. standards organizations useful to tcp/ip
    2. comparing tcp/ip to other networking models
      1. a history of networking models
        1. open networking models: tcp/ip and osi
        2. understanding how a tcp/ip networks works
          1. ethernet lans in tcp/ip networks
            1. wans in tcp/ipnetworks
              1. ip as the tcp/ipnetwork layer
                1. tcp and udp as the tcp/ip transport layer
                  1. summarizing the tcp/ip roles
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