Type Rules


28 type rules
Haily Mitchell
Mind Map by Haily Mitchell, updated more than 1 year ago
Haily Mitchell
Created by Haily Mitchell over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Type Rules
  1. space after period
    1. special characters
      1. time expression
        1. reversed type
          1. display and script typefaces
            1. handwriting type
              1. body size
                1. small caps
                  1. all caps
                    1. quotation marks
                      1. inch and foot
                        1. apostrophe
                          1. ellipses
                            1. ligatures
                              1. diphthongs
                                1. bold
                                  1. italic
                                    1. underlined
                                      1. blinking
                                        1. tracking
                                          1. old style numbers
                                            1. justification
                                              1. rivers
                                                1. indentation
                                                  1. drop caps
                                                    1. margins
                                                      1. leading
                                                        1. kerning
                                                          1. letter spacing
                                                            1. type hierarchy
                                                              1. list and end mark
                                                                1. spelling and grammar
                                                                  1. widows
                                                                    1. orphans
                                                                      1. line length
                                                                        1. text wrapping
                                                                          1. stacked type
                                                                            1. distorted type
                                                                              1. hyphens
                                                                                1. em dashes and en dashes
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