antepartum hemorrhage APH


focus Mind Map on antepartum hemorrhage APH, created by Ali Almudarsy on 09/10/2018.
Ali Almudarsy
Mind Map by Ali Almudarsy, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Ali Almudarsy
Created by Ali Almudarsy over 7 years ago
Ali Almudarsy
Copied by Ali Almudarsy about 6 years ago
Ali Almudarsy
Copied by Ali Almudarsy about 6 years ago

Resource summary

antepartum hemorrhage APH


  • 0- in the period btw 20wks-delivery occur. 1-need to stop the bleeding ,tests,trt the causes ,save mother then fetus life. 2-Kleihauer Betke test KB test +APT test +anti D if Rh ( -).
  1. placenta previa
    1. types of placenta previa
      1. definition of placenta previa
        1. etiology/risk factors of placenta previa
          1. Dx of placenta previa
            1. Mx of placenta previa
              1. Complications of placenta previa
              2. placenta abruption
                1. complication of placenta abraption
                  1. Mx of placenta abraption
                    1. Dx of placenta abraption
                      1. types of placenta abraption
                        1. definition of placenta abraption
                          1. etiology/risk factors of placenta abraption
                          2. uterin rupture
                            1. neoplasia
                              1. Obstetrics


                                • 0-all topic about obstetrics 1-
                                1. Vasa previa
                                  Show full summary Hide full summary


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