
Education Mind Map on CALLA, created by Stacey Stearns on 16/10/2018.
Stacey Stearns
Mind Map by Stacey Stearns, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Stacey Stearns
Created by Stacey Stearns over 6 years ago
Stacey Stearns
Copied by Stacey Stearns over 6 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Content-based curriculum
    1. content provides students with an opportunity to develop important knowledge in different subjects.
      1. Students are able to practice the language functions and skills needed to understand, discuss, and read and write about the concepts developed.
        1. most students are more motivated when they are learning content than when they are learning the language only.
          1. content provides context for teaching students learning strategies that can be applied in content subject classes.
            1. CALLA ESL teacher selects the high-priority topics and skills from the curriculum for native English speaking students and integrates them into lessons that develop both academic language proficiency and learning strategies.
              1. Link students' prior knowledge to the lesson topic
              2. Academic language
                1. Difficult to learn and takes longer to learn than social language.
                  1. Context and cognitive complexity
                    1. 4 language modalities: listening, reading, speaking, and writing
                      1. academic language functions needed in a classroom: explaining, informing, comparing, classifying, analyzing, inferring, justifying and persuading, solving problems, synthesizing, and evaluation.
                        1. Used for cognitively demanding tasks
                        2. Learning strategies
                          1. Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach
                            1. In CALLA classrooms students are asked to be active and verbal participants in the learning process.
                              1. Integrates content subject instruction with academic language development and explicit instruction in learning strategies.
                                1. uses both cognitive and sociocultural learning theories.
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