Domestic tourism is if you have a small T-shirt shop or
restaurantinvolved of tourism and this will not change in the
coming years this is the basis of the American tourism
International Tourism
It has been part of thr glamor of this industry for some time but that
segments under a lot of strees at this time you see that we used to go
to New York and Rome Paris and Moscow one on the best ten
destinations today or bangkok in the best style put a real stress on
the styles of the old lines was that way of changing tourist
destination a lot in the next few years
Sustainable Tourism
What that meants a tourism destination
trying to not have an impact on the local
culture or communities where they are
Medical Tourism
How well it has political charges and how in
fact the economic phrase the refugees could
be slapped in these exact the same people i
know there is a lot pf hospital abroad.
Eco Tourism
El ecotourismo is perhaps the most famous of the
new forms of tourisms and i know it was quite
familiar with ecotourism and it does not get much
Adventure Tourism
Could be anything is casping up riding a bike
riding insular horse in the stomach and of course
patiently and zip lines.