Creating Responsive, Responsible & Compassionate Readers


Professional Development Mind Map on Creating Responsive, Responsible & Compassionate Readers, created by seth mckinney on 01/11/2018.
seth mckinney
Mind Map by seth mckinney, updated more than 1 year ago
seth mckinney
Created by seth mckinney about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Creating Responsive, Responsible & Compassionate Readers
  1. Responsive readers:
    1. Alert to what the text says
      1. Alert to their own responses
        1. Alert to the responses of others
          1. "If the reader isn't responsive, if he doesn't let the text awaken emotion or inspire thought, then he can be said to garely be reading at all"
            1. Simply reading to answer a test question is not reading
              1. Readers are more engaged if thr selection excites or interests them
                1. Readers need to learn to and be comfortable asking questions about what they read
                  1. Responsible Readers are:
                    1. responsible for heir own thoughts
                      1. responsible for their own ideas
                        1. willing to ask additional questions
                          1. Questions good readers ask about what they read
                            1. How does it look?
                              1. What is it saying?
                                1. How does it make me feel?
                              2. Young readers need to learn to develop compassion
                                1. Can they see the point of view of others?
                                  1. Can they value others' feelings?
                                    1. They understand that others do not always see the same passage the way they do
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