Participating in physical activities


Mind Map on Participating in physical activities, created by Hannah Goodenough on 07/11/2014.
Hannah Goodenough
Mind Map by Hannah Goodenough, updated more than 1 year ago
Hannah Goodenough
Created by Hannah Goodenough over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Participating in physical activities
  1. Benefits
      1. Controls your weight
        1. Improves your ability to do daily activities
          1. Prevents falls when your older
            1. Makes you stronger
              1. Satisfaction
              2. SOCIAL
                1. Teamwork skills increase
                  1. Meet new people
                    1. Meet up with friends for physical activities
                    2. PHYSCIAL
                      1. Strengthens bones and muscles
                        1. Reduces risks of cardiovascular disease
                          1. Reduces risks of some cancers
                            1. Increases chance of living longer
                              1. Reduces risk of type 2 diabetes
                              2. MENTAL
                                1. Improves your mental health
                                  1. Improves your mood
                                    1. Can help you sleep
                                      1. Reduces stress
                                        1. Helps keep thinking, learning, and judgemental skills as you age
                                      2. Why are people living sedentary lifestyles?
                                        1. Labour saving gadgets
                                          1. Remote controls
                                            1. Hoovers
                                            2. No free time
                                              1. Working long hours
                                              2. Expensive
                                                1. Kit
                                                  1. Equipment
                                                    1. Training
                                                    2. Modern technology
                                                      1. Public transport
                                                      2. Role models
                                                        1. Parents
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