The berlin airlift was a considerable acheivement but neither side gained anything.
The USSR had not ained control of Berlin. The West had no guarantees that land
communications would not be cut again, Above all it made both sides stubborn.
Give 2 reasons from Source A which show that the Berlin Airlift made both sides "even more stubborn."
Read the source carefully
PIck 2 reasons from the source and write a short sentence on each
Question 2 brief description 4 marks
Describe one issue in a short sentence
Add a sentence that brings in extra detail
Describe the second issue with extra relevant detail
Outline 2 issues on which the ALlies agreed at Potsdam
The first way that the allies agreed at Potsdam was
Question 3 - judge usefulness 10 marks
Make sure you write about both sources
Comment on usefulness because of what they say
Comment on what they dont tell you
Now look at Nature, origin purpose
Does that make the source relaible or typical
Therefore is the source useful?
Do the same for the other source
How useful are sources B and C as evidence of the reasons for Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979?
Question 4 Brief description of key features 6 marks
You get a choice 4a or 4b
This means talk about the causes, events and consequences
Higher marks for more precise explanantions
Describe key features of the Marshall Plan 1947
Question 5 Brief description of significance
Explain the importance of three of the following in the Cold War
Belin Airlift, Warsaw Pact, Prague Spring, Helsinki agreement
Choose 3 you know most about
Write a brief sentence descrining one event
Add another sentence explaining in detail why it was important in the Cold War
Repeat for other 2 chosen
Question 6 essay explaining causation
Explain why relations between USA nad USSR changed 1980-85. You
may use following in your answer - Invasion of Afghanistan, Election
of Reagan
You must also include your own info
Underline key points of q.
Plan your answer including intro and conclusns
Dont just describe explain clearly why it led to change
Develop each point in detail
Best answers will add in their own reason
Show links by using link words
Furthermore, however, in addition, as a result, this led to