2 Minute Cinema Advert


Mind Map on 2 Minute Cinema Advert, created by charlie.pinnock on 12/11/2014.
Mind Map by charlie.pinnock, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by charlie.pinnock about 10 years ago

Resource summary

2 Minute Cinema Advert
  1. Our cinema advert will feature a teenager illegally downloading products from the internet on their computer, the film will then show a celebrity loosing their money, clothes and possessions due to the teenager illegally downloading things.
    1. The advert will inform our audience of the consequences of piracy as it will show them that if piracy is committed then it will have a bad influence on the life of someone who participated in the production of the product, e.g. a film star loosing their wealth.
      1. We will use a stereotypical teenager's bedroom for the teenager to be illegally downloading in and the celebrity will be in a fancy looking room to make them seem more wealthy.
        1. We will use a laptop for the teenager to use and the celebrity will have expensive looking clothes and possessions with them.
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