

EDD72090_Spring 2019_YANUZZI A Mindmap that explores the connections, patterns, and differences among creativity, innovation, design, leadership and my professional journey.
Gina Yanuzzi
Mind Map by Gina Yanuzzi, updated more than 1 year ago
Gina Yanuzzi
Created by Gina Yanuzzi almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Innovation
    1. Value
      1. Design
          1. Change the world / change one life
          2. Persistency
          3. PROCESS
            1. Duplicatability
              1. Knowledge
              2. Leadership
                1. Courage
                  1. Humility
                    1. Wisdom
                      1. Collaboration
                        1. Openness
                        2. Insight
                          1. Perfect Your Pitch
                            1. INTEGRITY
                              1. Gold Standard
                                1. Loyalty
                                2. Mentoring
                                  1. STORYTELLING
                                    1. Being an AUNTIE
                                      1. immense joy
                                        1. 3 girls, 2 boys, waiting on the 3rd boy!


                                          •  He should be born any day now (Jan or Feb 2019)!
                                      2. The Arts
                                        1. Theatre
                                          1. Teacher as Performer
                                          2. RISK
                                            1. Mistakes = learning opportunities
                                              1. Failure
                                                1. My SAT scores


                                                  • After two attempts at the SATS, I decided no college would have me because my scores were so low.  I let my SAT scores nullify all my high school leadership positions and high grades.  This single "failure" resulted in my decision to apply to zero colleges, finding myself at my local community college because I didn't know what else to do. 
                                              2. Due diligence
                                                1. Ahead of the curve
                                                2. Playfulness
                                                  1. Be silly
                                                    1. Learn from children
                                                    2. Curiosity
                                                      1. Discovery
                                                        1. Perspectives
                                                          1. LISTEN first
                                                            1. Empathy
                                                            2. Swift Heart Rabbit


                                                              • When asked as I child what I wanted to be when I grew up, my answer was "Swift Heart Rabbit," one of the CareBear cousins.  Clearly, my answer honored a bit of the imaginary. :)
                                                              1. IMAGINATION
                                                                1. CREATIVITY
                                                                  1. Exploring perspectives outside of yourself
                                                                    1. Quite time to learn yourself
                                                                      1. Originality
                                                                    2. Rowan College at Burlington
                                                                      1. Student
                                                                        1. Valedictoria
                                                                          1. Full ride to TCNJ
                                                                            1. RCBC Internship
                                                                              1. Grad school at TCNJ
                                                                          2. Actor
                                                                            1. Children's Theatre
                                                                          3. Instructor of Compostion / Literature / Film


                                                                            • Awarded TENURE January 2019! Next, going for a promotion in February 2019!
                                                                            1. Create RCBC Theater Night


                                                                              • Event to create community across the College while supporting our students!  I believe it's easier to work together when we know and care more about each other personally. 
                                                                              1. Create RCBC Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign


                                                                                • Collectively raised $5,000 in 5 years for Breast Cancer Research!
                                                                                1. Women's Literature Multi-Modal Projects
                                                                                  1. Chair of Academic Integrity Committee
                                                                                    1. Co-lead re-design of policies
                                                                                  2. Facilitator of Developmental Education (2016)


                                                                                    • I still maintain my status as a full time (now tenured!) faculty member.  My new role as Facilitator is a second full-time hat. 
                                                                                    1. Chair Cross Disciplinary Developmental Task Force Team
                                                                                      1. Lead Re-Design of Math, Reading, and Writing


                                                                                        • We implemented the ALP & AMP acceleration method: http://alp-deved.org/what-is-alp-exactly/
                                                                                        1. Building RCBC Writing Team
                                                                                          1. Full & Part time Instructor Team members
                                                                                        2. Community Outreach + Connection
                                                                                          1. Discovery Museum?
                                                                                            1. Carbdboard Challenge


                                                                                              • Next Fall, it's my goal to host a Cardboard Challenge at my College.  I want to conduct more work with children that also involves their adult family members and our college students. Making these community connections is key to my personal and professional aspirations, and I believe it is a way to make meaning beyond my career. https://cardboardchallenge.com/
                                                                                              1. Making more with less / found items
                                                                                            2. Wilmington Doctorla Program
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