Authentic assessment - Thu Nguyen


6 authentic assessment activities
thư nguyễn
Mind Map by thư nguyễn, updated more than 1 year ago
thư nguyễn
Created by thư nguyễn almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Authentic assessment - Thu Nguyen
  1. Reading - Writing
    1. Teachers will be ale to see the direct evident of what students have done and their learning process
      1. Discussion board
        1. Digital tool. Students respond and reply each other. One topic each time.
          1. Teacher will give one topic. Students respond what they have researched with valid links. Students reply others' responses. Students can collect links for further research
          2. Reading synthesis
            1. Students write what they think about or learn from the given reading materials.
              1. Teacher will give students an article to read. And then, students have to think and write about their own experiences relating to the article.
            2. Teachers can assess content knowledge and students can also build their critical think skills as well by attending this activity
              1. Peer-review
                1. Students review or make correction for each other on their writing tasks anonymously. Teachers should instruct students how to do that properly and respectfully.
                  1. After collecting all the first drafts, teacher will give each student a draft of his/her classmate. Also, a rubric or checklist will be given so that they will know which aspects should be focused on. After that, teacher will collect the draft with the peer-review notes and give it back to students so that they can see others' opinions about their work.
              2. Listening - Speaking
                1. These two activities are performance-based assessment tools. Teachers can evaluate learners' oral skills in order to assess their proficiency
                  1. Story telling
                    1. Students tell a story about a given topic.
                      1. Teacher can tell students a story and have the student write down main ideas/details. After that, students will have to retell the story by their own words. They can work in groups.
                      2. Presentation
                        1. Students present their research
                          1. Working in groups, students will research a given topic and then present what they have studied in front of the whole class
                        2. Thanks to this activity, students can self-construct and reconstruct their knowledge, and teachers can also assess their learning process by listening to their discussion
                          1. Quizlet
                            1. Digital tool. An activity operated by teacher. Students can use their phones or laptops to attend. Students join this activity as groups
                              1. Working in groups of three or four, students will gather together using their phones/laptops discussing and choosing the correct answer. Teacher should create more than seven questions with multiple choices
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