Gradle - Build tool


Gradle is build tool and most java devs should have come across this.
Deepa V C
Mind Map by Deepa V C, updated more than 1 year ago
Deepa V C
Created by Deepa V C almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Gradle - Build tool
  1. Maven
    1. Ant
      1. Ivy repositories
    2. concise , flexible, latest of the 3
      1. written in Groovy, p. lang (runs on jvm)
        1. build script comes with default set of data to start with
          1. Software Project That needs to be built
            1. Build Script
              1. Tasks - steps on how to build the project
                1. gradle command is used to run this script which reads the tasks
                  1. gradle command
              2. commands
                1. gradle -version
                  1. gradle
                    1. gradle <<taskname>> Ex. gradle compileCode
                      1. gradle clean build , gradle <<taskname>> <<taskname>>
                        1. gradle build -x test
                          1. gradle -q compileCode
                            1. gradle tasks
                              1. gradle tasks --all
                                1. gradle -b subproject-dir/build.gradle build
                                  1. gradle -p subproject-dir build
                                    1. gradle projects
                                      1. gradle -h
                                        1. gradle build --continue
                                          1. gradle -m build
                                          2. apply plugin: 'java'
                                            1. maven { url "C:\\maven\\repository" }
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