English language


This map will give you some facts about the English language.
Lukas Lukas
Mind Map by Lukas Lukas, updated more than 1 year ago
Lukas Lukas
Created by Lukas Lukas about 6 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

English language
  1. Language family
    1. Indo-european
      1. Germanic
        1. West Germanic
    2. Territory
      1. Anglo-world
        1. Predominantly white countries/territories
          1. United Kingdom
            1. United States of America
              1. Republic of Ireland
                1. New Zealand
                  1. Australia
                    1. Canada
                  2. Other English-speaking territories
                    1. Non-white majority
                      1. India
                        1. Bangladesh
                          1. Jamaica
                            1. Barbados
                        2. Vocabulary
                          1. Germanic-derived
                            1. Anglo-saxon
                              1. Brought to the british isles by the Angles, Saxons and Jutes
                              2. Norse
                                1. Words adapted during the Danelaw (Danish rule of North and South England)
                              3. Romance-derived
                                1. French
                                  1. Norman rule of England
                                  2. Latin
                                    1. Via French, via scientific influence
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