WWI The Battle of the Somme


This is a Project for History I Made.
Oliver Moody
Mind Map by Oliver Moody, updated more than 1 year ago
Oliver Moody
Created by Oliver Moody about 10 years ago

Resource summary

WWI The Battle of the Somme
  1. Where?
    1. A town just of off the river Somme.
    2. Key Events
      1. 1916. 24 June: beginning of a week-long shelling of German Positions
        1. 1917. •24 February: Germans withdraw from the area
          1. 1916 15 September , first use of tanks by the British
          2. What tactics were used?
            1. In the Somme they fired 1.6 million shells. The troops were then ordered to walk slowly towards the German lines where once seized, cavalry units would pour in.
            2. Weapons
              1. Bayonets, Flamethrower, Grenades, Machine Guns, Pistols, Poison Gas, Rifles, Tanks and Artillery
              2. Casualties
                1. Around 1,000,000 wounded or killed
                  1. About 420,000 British and Commonwealth soliders
                    1. Around 195,000 French Soliders
                      1. About 650,000 German soldiers,
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