Media Studies


Leaving Certificate English Mind Map on Media Studies, created by cian.buckley on 28/11/2012.
Mind Map by cian.buckley, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by cian.buckley over 12 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (1)

Resource summary

Media Studies
  1. Mass Media
    1. Print Media
      1. Broadsheet Newspapers
        1. Tabloid Newspapers
          1. Billboards
            1. Posters
              1. Magazines
              2. Electronic Media
                1. Television
                  1. Cinmea
                    1. Internet
                      1. Radio
                        1. USB key
                      2. Television
                        1. Newspapers
                          1. Broadsheets
                            1. 'quality'
                              1. serious/in-depth reporting
                                1. wide range of important issues
                                2. usually A2 size
                                  1. tries to give facts without exaggerating
                                  2. Tabloids
                                    1. reports mostly on
                                      1. scandals
                                        1. gossip
                                          1. celebrities
                                            1. sport
                                            2. sensational style
                                              1. usually A3 size
                                                1. simple, exaggerated language
                                                  1. slang
                                                  2. Front Pages
                                                    1. eye-catching
                                                      1. specific methods
                                                        1. Broadsheet
                                                          1. Masthead
                                                            1. name of paper
                                                              1. black on white
                                                              2. Lead article
                                                                1. written in columns
                                                                2. second front page story
                                                                  1. contents list
                                                                    1. banner headline
                                                                      1. for main article
                                                                      2. photo
                                                                        1. caption
                                                                          1. advertisment
                                                                          2. Tabloid
                                                                            1. masthead
                                                                              1. red and white
                                                                              2. big headline
                                                                                1. dramatic and sensational
                                                                                2. more of page used for headlines in tabloid
                                                                                  1. photo
                                                                                    1. illustrate lead article
                                                                                    2. lead article
                                                                                      1. Text here
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