Management of PVD: Risk Fator Modification, stop
smoking,Exercise, Hypolipidemic Therapy, Control of
Diabetes & HTN. Revascularization, Angioplasty,
bypass surgery.
Classification: I: mild pain on walking (claudication).
II: severe pain on walking (intermittent claudication).
III: pain while resting. IV: tissue loss (gangrene).
Ddx of Claudication
Gangrene. Heart attack or stroke.
Impotence. Paleness. Severe pain.
Slow-healing wounds. Fatal infections
of the bones and blood.
S & S
Claudication, Leg Pain & Ulcers Paresthesias, Pale Skin Cold
Extremities, Brittle Nails Pulse Absent, Lower Extremity Tingling
& Numbness of Limbs Lower Extremity Muscle Weakness Lower
Extremity Swellings, Hair Loss