Phylum Chordata


Mind Map on Phylum Chordata, created by Andrea Banks on 04/12/2014.
Andrea Banks
Mind Map by Andrea Banks, updated more than 1 year ago
Andrea Banks
Created by Andrea Banks almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Phylum Chordata
  1. Have a notochord
    1. Hollow dorsal nerve tube
      1. Tail that extends beyond the anus
        1. Muscular tube called pharynx
          1. Vertebrata
            1. Class Agnatha (Jawless fish)
              1. Slimy skin
                1. Lack paired fins
                  1. Notochord and skeleton made of cartilage
                    1. Ex: lamprey
                    2. Class Chondrichthyes (Cartilaginous fish)
                      1. Jaws
                        1. Paired fins and gills
                          1. Ex: sharks, rays
                          2. Class Osteichthyes (Bony fish)
                            1. Ex: trout, salmon, eel
                              1. Two chambered heart
                                1. Swim bladder
                                  1. External fertilization
                                  2. Amphibians
                                    1. External fertilization
                                      1. Herbivore tadpoles
                                        1. Become carnivorous adults with primitive lungs
                                          1. Three chambered heart
                                          2. Reptiles
                                            1. Terrestrial
                                              1. Skin reduces water loss
                                                1. Lungs with internal folds
                                                  1. Three chambered heart with septum to partially separate blood
                                                    1. Amniotic egg
                                                      1. Lightweight skeleton
                                                        1. Repositioning of limbs
                                                        2. Birds
                                                          1. Feathers
                                                            1. Air sacs
                                                              1. Hollow bones
                                                                1. Four chambered heart
                                                                  1. Lack urinary bladder
                                                                  2. Mammals
                                                                    1. Monotremes
                                                                      1. Ex: platypus
                                                                        1. Egg layers
                                                                        2. Marsupials
                                                                          1. Born immature
                                                                            1. Confined to Australia
                                                                              1. Ex: kangaroos, koala bears
                                                                              2. Placental Mammals
                                                                                1. Placenta
                                                                                  1. Ex: humans, bears
                                                                                    1. Umbilical cord
                                                                                    2. Mammary glands
                                                                                      1. Warm-blooded
                                                                                        1. Four chambered heart
                                                                                          1. Diaphragm
                                                                                            1. Fleshy lips
                                                                                              1. Usually 4 legs with 5 toes
                                                                                                1. Echolocation
                                                                                              2. Cephalochordata
                                                                                                1. Urochordata
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