

Mind Map on Motivation, created by Fahima Noori on 09/12/2014.
Fahima Noori
Mind Map by Fahima Noori, updated more than 1 year ago
Fahima Noori
Created by Fahima Noori almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. IS defined as the process that initiates, guides and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. What causes to act.
    1. Components to motivation
      1. Activation: to initiate a behavior
        1. Persistance: continued effored
          1. Intensity: concentration/ power that goes for the goal
          2. Extrinsic vs. intrinsic motivation
            1. Arise from outside and involves rewards in the end.
              1. strudy = great grade
                1. sport = win awards
                2. Act for the sake of the activity alone
                  1. Personally reward
                    1. sport = enjoyable
                      1. playing game = fun and exciting
                    2. Rewards do not deacrese intrinsic motivation
                      1. Positive praise and feedback improves intrinsic motivation.
                        1. Intrinsic motivation will decrease, wehn ext. rewards are given for specific task or doing minimal work
                        2. Theories of Motivation
                          1. Instinct Theory
                            1. Evolutionary programmed to do so.
                            2. Incentive Theory
                              1. Motivated due to the external rewards
                              2. Drive Theory
                                1. Motivated in order to reduce the internal tension.
                                  1. Good for biological components; hunger and thirst
                                  2. Arousal Theory
                                    1. Take actions to increase or decrease levels of arousal
                                    2. Humanistic Theory
                                      1. Strong cognitive reasons to perform actions.
                                      2. Classical Theories
                                        1. Maslow's hierarchy of need
                                          1. Divided into two groups
                                            1. higher -order
                                              1. Lower-order
                                              2. Different people is driven by diff. need.
                                              3. McGregor's X and Y Theory
                                                1. Herzberg's two factor
                                                  1. Hygiene factors
                                                    1. maintenance factors for avoiding dissatisfaction
                                                      1. not long-term and not motivators.
                                                        1. pay,, benefits and job security.
                                                        2. Motivational factors
                                                          1. Satisfiers, factors for superior performance.
                                                            1. praise, growth opportunities, responsibility and meaning.
                                                        3. Modern Theories
                                                          1. ERG Theory
                                                            1. Existence need
                                                              1. basic material need
                                                              2. Growth needs
                                                                1. self-development and personal growth
                                                                2. Relatedness needs
                                                                  1. aspiration individuals - family, peers or superiors.
                                                                  2. vs. Maslow's is rigid; individual can't move to above needs if the lower-need is not satisfied
                                                                    1. ERG is flexible, however manager's have to concentrate on one need at the time.
                                                                    2. McClelland's Theory
                                                                      1. Goal Setting
                                                                        1. Reinforcement Theory
                                                                          1. Expectancy Theory
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