Metabolism: Nov 6 2014


Metabolism, Biochemistry 2020
Mind Map by atiyya, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by atiyya about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Metabolism: Nov 6 2014
  1. Structure
    1. pathway
      1. Catabolic
        1. degradation of biomolecule
          1. polymer
            1. fat
              1. sugar
                1. protein
                2. oxidative process
                  1. reduce co factor
                    1. NADH
                      1. NADPH
                        1. FADH2
                      2. exorgonic
                        1. spontaneous
                      3. anabolic
                        1. synthesize biomolecule
                          1. increase energy
                          2. reduction
                            1. oxidize cofactor
                              1. use ATP
                                1. FAD
                                  1. NADP+
                                    1. NAD+
                              2. Metabolite
                                1. form stable intermediate
                                  1. form stable products
                                    1. change in original reactant
                                2. organize series of reactions
                                3. Purpose
                                  1. energy
                                    1. cause change in cell
                                      1. movement
                                        1. cell
                                          1. molecule
                                          2. growth
                                            1. make/break biomolecule
                                            2. photosynthesis
                                              1. use light
                                              2. non photosynthetic
                                                1. carbs
                                                  1. fat
                                                  2. drive thermodynamically unfavourable reactions
                                                2. Activated Carriers
                                                  1. store energy
                                                    1. NAD+
                                                      1. nicotinamide ring
                                                        1. attacked by H
                                                          1. need niacin vitamin
                                                          2. oxidizing agent
                                                            1. becomes reduced
                                                              1. gain H
                                                                1. store 1 electron
                                                          3. FAD
                                                            1. OXIDIZING AGENT
                                                              1. reduce to FADH2
                                                                1. holds 2 electrons
                                                                2. C-C to C=C
                                                            2. 2 Carbon fragment
                                                              1. coenzyme A (S-CoA)
                                                                1. from vitamin D5
                                                                2. Acetyl group
                                                                  1. C-S-CoA
                                                                    1. molecule more reactive
                                                                      1. activated for reaction
                                                                  2. Acyl CoA
                                                                    1. fat
                                                                  3. temporary electron carrier
                                                                    1. via cofactor
                                                                  4. types
                                                                    1. heterotrophs
                                                                      1. feed on others
                                                                        1. carbon
                                                                          1. fat
                                                                          2. aerobes
                                                                            1. use O2
                                                                            2. anaerobes
                                                                              1. no O2
                                                                            3. Autrotrophs
                                                                              1. self feed
                                                                                1. CO2
                                                                            4. Stages
                                                                              1. 1. Digestion
                                                                                1. break down molecules
                                                                                  1. a preparatory stage
                                                                                    1. no ATP made
                                                                                    2. Stage 2
                                                                                      1. make small substrate
                                                                                        1. make Acetyl Co A
                                                                                          1. end up with some ATP
                                                                                            1. from
                                                                                              1. protein (amino acid)
                                                                                                1. polysaccharide (glucose+sugar)
                                                                                                  1. fat (fatty acid + glycerol)
                                                                                            2. stage 3
                                                                                              1. acetyl group
                                                                                                1. oxidation
                                                                                                  1. lots of ATP
                                                                                                  2. Acetyl CoA
                                                                                                    1. CoA
                                                                                                      1. Citric Acid cycle
                                                                                                        1. 2 CO2
                                                                                                          1. 8 electrons
                                                                                                            1. oxidative phosphorylation
                                                                                                              1. lots of ATP
                                                                                                                1. water released
                                                                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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