What is the purpose of an opaqueporcelain layer in the ceramo-metalprocess? Explain what would happen ifthis layer is omitted


Dental Technology Mind Map on What is the purpose of an opaqueporcelain layer in the ceramo-metalprocess? Explain what would happen ifthis layer is omitted, created by Alice Dolman on 02/05/2019.
Alice Dolman
Mind Map by Alice Dolman, updated more than 1 year ago
Alice Dolman
Created by Alice Dolman over 5 years ago

Resource summary

What is the purpose of an opaqueporcelain layer in the ceramo-metalprocess? Explain what would happen ifthis layer is omitted
  1. These powders are used as the initial layer when constructing bonded restorations.
    1. Its function is to bond the porcelain onto the alloy and mask out the metal substructure.
    2. Porcelain bonds to the metal substructure chemically, an oxide produced by Tin, Indium, Zinc or Iron is incorporated in both the alloy and opaque powders which produces molecular bonding.
      1. OPAQUE PORCELAIN: in metal-bonding porcelains, this porcelain powder is used for two reasons:
        1. 1. To bond the porcelain veneer to the metal substructure
          1. If the opaque porcelain layer is not applied then a metal-porcelain failure will occur, this is when a fracture occurs, leaving a clean surface on the metal due to no oxides being present to adhere to.
          2. 2. To mask out the dark colour of the metal substructure
            1. Also opaque porcelains increase the brightness/value this adds to the aesthetics of ceramics, without this layer the metal substructure will be more visible, or harder to cover.
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