Product Comparison


Mind Map on Product Comparison, created by Leia Cordey on 08/01/2015.
Leia Cordey
Mind Map by Leia Cordey, updated more than 1 year ago
Leia Cordey
Created by Leia Cordey almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Product Comparison
  1. Digipak
    1. Our Digipak
      1. Our digipak instantly shows the feeling that we would like people to get of the band and its members, this is a bight happy bubbly kind of feeling. This is the feeling that I feel our digipak gives as we have used a range of pictures that show the girls having fun, they also have different coloured backgrounds which will attract the buyers attention when on shelves in the shops. Others that we looked at such as Katy Perrys and Rihanahs use the same range of shots that we have used and they use good fonts and colours for the text that is needed to be in the digipak, that is something that we coul improve on.
      2. Other digipaks
        1. Rihannah
          1. Rihanna goes for a quite simplistic black and white look in this digipak, she uses some of the shots that we have used within ours which are closeups and long shots these help to attract people other than girls to the album as it adds emphasis on the looks to attract males as well. The clothing that she has used helps to show that her music is pop and that it is current, we have also tried to get this as we have used clothes that are current and would be the in trends for young females at this period of time.
          2. Katy Perry
            1. Katy Perrys album lets the buyers instantly know the genre and target audience of her music this is as she uses mainly colours that are normally associated with the female gender. We have done this in our digipak too as we have used quite bright colours that will appeal to the younger female audience. She has used both close up and long shots which gives the buyers something interesting to look at rather than just using one type of shot throughout the whole of the album, we have also done this by using mid shots as well as close ups and long shots.
        2. Video
          1. Our video
            1. From the colours that we have used throughout the video, the locations, make up and costumes and the dance routine it is clear what the genre and the target audience of our video are. We took inspiration for the editing of our video from Little Mix- Wings and Girls Aloud- The show, this is as the kind of editing that we have used helps to keep a fast pace throughout the video which will keep the audience interested. We took ideas from both Little Mix- Move and Girls Aloud- Biology on the costume and dance routine. Using these to help us let us gain knowledge on what makes a good girl group video as both of these bands are very famous groups.
            2. Other Videos
              1. Little Mix - Move
                1. Little Mix- Move is very energetic and uses a lot of dance throughout to keep the viewers interested and always wanting more. This video keeps with the upbeat pace of the song which means that they will appeal to more people as the video is suitable to what is needed. The costume changes that happen in the video help to pass the theme of pop music across to the audience as this is a popular convention of this style of music. We have tried to add a range of costumes into our video so that we are also able to portray this to our audience.
                2. Girls Aloud- Biology
                  1. Girls Alouds video Biology is typical of using looks to attract viewers to the band and their products this is as they are use a lot of different costumes that enhance the fact that they are female. They use dresses that young girls would want to wear to attract that part of their audience to this video, we have used up to date clothes hoping to attract the attention of our target audience more than if we were to use clothes that would be seen in an indie music video.
              2. Website
                1. Our Website
                  1. Our website is quite bright and uses quite a lot of colour which helps to show the genre of our band and this also helps to appeal to the target audience of our products. Compared to others such as Little Mix and The Saturdays ours uses the same sort of structure and it uses the same sort of audience catching techniques, these include being bold and standing out from the start, using text that stands out and helps to reinforce the themes and conventions of the bands.
                  2. Other Websites
                    1. The Saturdays
                      1. The Saturdays use blues and have bubbles in the background which help to give a feeling of the band members being mature and wanting to appeal to an older audience as well as the younger audiences that they can appeal to. The bubbles suggest that they are quite a bubble energetic band and this will attract more people to their kind of music. We tried to imply this in our video by having a picture as the background which showed he girls having fun and by having bright coloured hearts on the screen.
                      2. Little Mix
                        1. Little Mix use fun fonts when writing their band name, this helps to create a fun feeling when users enter the site which is what the band will want. They also have a picture of them on the home page which lets the viewer instantly know who is in the band and what sort of genre they are this is suggested from their clothes. On our website we have used the same sort of clothing on our band as this will hopefully give the viewers information on the band from just looking at the picture of them.
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