The Human Genome project


Mind Map on The Human Genome project, created by robertojohnsaad on 26/01/2015.
Mind Map by robertojohnsaad, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by robertojohnsaad over 9 years ago

Resource summary

The Human Genome project
  1. History
    1. February 29th 1988: National Institutes of Health Director James Wyngaarden assembles scientists, administrators and science policy experts to plan the human genome project. A 15 year plan was laid out.
      1. October 1st 1988: The Office for Human Genome Research is created within the Office of the Director, National Instituteof Health. Also, NIH and the Department of Energy sign a memorandum of understanding to "coordinate research and technical activities related to the human genome."
        1. October 1st 1990: Human genome project officially commences after arranging a specific 5 year plan
          1. October 1st 1993: the five year plan is revised over the year due to fast progress in research
            1. September 30, 1994: Human genetic mapping goal achieved one year ahead of schedule.
              1. April, 1996: Human DNA sequencing begins with pilot studies at six universities in the United States. and an international team completes the DNA sequence of the first eukaryotic genome, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, or common brewer's yeast. human genome is being sequenced by universities and otrher research groups
                1. 1999: large scale sequencing begins
                  1. 2001: human genome is mapped out in its entirety
    2. Practical uses
      1. Usefull to discover the cause of inherited diseases and allowing better diagnosis and treatment for them when someone is born
        1. Finding genes which cause traits such as susceptibility to cancers or degenerative diseases.
          1. directs research in gene therapy and genetic engineering - we can find out the gene's locus to remove a mutated gene and replace it with a functioning one.
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