Chapter 1- Stakeholders


AS - Level I.C.T (Chapter 01- Stakeholders) Mind Map on Chapter 1- Stakeholders, created by Livv McCarthy on 06/09/2013.
Livv McCarthy
Mind Map by Livv McCarthy, updated more than 1 year ago
Livv McCarthy
Created by Livv McCarthy over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Chapter 1- Stakeholders
  1. Employees
    1. Employees can benefit because if the business succeeds they wont risk losing their jobs and/or could mean they have an opportunity for a pay rise
      1. Employees can get promotions if the business succeeds
      2. Creditors
        1. Creditors will benefit because they'll gain their money back quicker the more successful the business
          1. if the company is successful and expands they're more likely to borrow more money
          2. Local Community
            1. The can benefit by a business succeeding because it can mean more job opportunities for the local community
              1. More businesses means more access to supplies in their area
              2. Suppliers
                1. If a business succeeds it means an increase of demand for supplies
                  1. Due to the increase demand on the wholesaler the knock on effect improves their turnover
                  2. Owners
                    1. Owners will benefit greatly from the success of their business because their will be a greater turnover
                      1. an opportunity to expand their business
                        1. more credit rating/more employees
                      2. A Stakeholder is a person or group of people who have an interest in a business
                        1. Customers
                          1. Customers are interested in the success of a business because if the business gains a lot of profit they can afford to keep prices cheap whereas if they weren't succeeding they'd have to raise their prices
                          2. Customer Service
                            1. Customer service plays a big part on the success of a business because if the service is bad it will discourage cutomers in using that business meaning losing customers
                              1. Having good customer service encourages more customers
                                1. Customer service is the service given to customers/future customers before or after the purchase of good or services
                                2. Profit
                                  1. Profit is the difference between an amount of money earned for the business and the amount of money spent on the business e.g. buying supplies/decorating
                                  2. Revenue
                                    1. is the earnings/income of a business
                                    2. Sponsorship
                                      1. Sponsorship/sponsoring a business is giving money to another business to help it succeed or help advertising it
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                                      Business Administration and Job Roles
                                      Livv McCarthy
                                      ICT - Health and Safety
                                      Farwa Shahid
                                      Important words
                                      Business aims and objectives
                                      Business management and planning
                                      Business Administration and job roles