File Managements


for the next lesson tomorrow
Sreesahasra Nookala
Mind Map by Sreesahasra Nookala, updated more than 1 year ago
Sreesahasra Nookala
Created by Sreesahasra Nookala about 5 years ago

Resource summary

File Managements
  1. what i know about file managements?
    1. I know that you use file managements for classification of different files
      1. File management are important to use so that your computer can recognise where to classify.
        1. Different files / documents have different names for classification
          1. You use file managements so it is easier for you to open a document.
            1. you should use this so that your file doesn't disappear.
            2. what i need to learn about file managements?
              1. The different types of names of files for example documents means DOC.
                1. I need to classify my files into a proper method/methods.
                  1. I need to know why this is important and I should do this more often.
                    1. I have to think in the future why I should use this.
                      1. I need to use this in the future so that it makes my life easier
                      2. As in the future there will be more subjects.
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