New Organs for Old


Mind Map on New Organs for Old, created by Arun Johal on 10/02/2015.
Arun Johal
Mind Map by Arun Johal, updated more than 1 year ago
Arun Johal
Created by Arun Johal almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

New Organs for Old
  1. Transplants- Blood transfusions, cornea transplants, heart transplants, lung transplants, kidney transplants.
    1. Problems- Rejection, shortage of supply, immunosuppresent drugs treatments.
    2. Mechanical Replacements-Heart pacemakers, artificial hearts, artificial knee and jip joints, eye lenses.
      1. Problems- Size, power supply, materials used as they need to be he same as what is being replaced, body reactions, materials need to be inert so no chemical reations occur in the body.
      2. Donor Organs-Taken from the living or the dead.
        1. National register of Donors
          1. Advantages- It makes it easier for people to sign up to donate their organs.
            1. Disadvantages- People are not put on the list from the start, so might not sign up later in life therefore, most people will not give their organs away.
            2. What makes a suitable living donor? Need to be willing and healthy.
              1. Criteria needed for a dead donor. Need to be a good tissue match and right ageand size for recipient.
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