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Context of Macbeth
GCSE English Mind Map on Context of Macbeth, created by Sasha Podell on 06/11/2019.
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Mind Map by
Sasha Podell
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Sasha Podell
over 5 years ago
Resource summary
Context of Macbeth
William Shakespeare
successful playwright
wrote 36 plays
wanted to impress James I and wrote Macbeth to please him
The Real Macbeth
King of Scots from 1040 until his death in 1057
Differed to the Macbeth portrayed in Shakespeare's play
defeated and mortally wounded by the future king, Malcolm II
James I of England
King of England and Scotland
in power during the Gunpowder Plot
wrote of Daemonology, which was all about witchcraft
victorians were very supersticious
17th century - people were very supersticious
believed that there were women who made a pact with the devil in exchange for supernatural powers
the Elizabethans blamed all of their problems on the witches
they were very supersticious, especially James I
Shakespeare included the supernatural and the location of Scotland to appeal to the king
The Gunpowder Plot
5th November 1605, there was an attempted assassination of James I
one of the first acts of terrorism
The Great Chain of Being
hierarchical structure of all matter and life
thought to have been decreed by God
the King was a the top, and trees, animals and minerals were at the bottom
Macbeth committing regicide = unbalance
The Divine Right of Kings
puts Kings above anything else
states that they derive the right to rule straight from the will of God
Regicide would be seen as the ultimate offence as it represents going against God's will
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