

Phishing homework computing !
Makayla  Ejodame
Mind Map by Makayla Ejodame, updated more than 1 year ago
Makayla  Ejodame
Created by Makayla Ejodame over 5 years ago

Resource summary

  1. What is phishing ?
    1. the fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers.
      1. Pronounced like fishing, phishing is a term used to describe a malicious individual or group of individuals who scam users. They do so by sending e-mails or creating web pages that are designed to collect an individual's online bank, credit card, or other login information.
        1. Phishing is a cyber attack that uses disguised email as a weapon. The goal is to trick the email recipient into believing that the message is something they want or need — a request from their bank, for instance, or a note from someone in their company — and to click a link or download an attachment
          1. Phishing schemes are a type of scam in which cybercriminals attempt to gain access to your sensitive data. By sending emails that appear to come from a legitimate source, phishers try to trick you into clicking a link or downloading an attachment. If you don’t realize the email is fraudulent, you may end up following the instructions in the email and reveal your passwords, credit card information, or Social Security number.
          2. How do you detect a phishing email ?
            1. Unofficial "From" address.Urgent action required.Link to a fake web site.Asking for your password.
            2. What do you do if someone sends you a phishing email ?
              1. Don’t Panic and Don’t Click Any Links
                1. Report the Email
                  1. Report It to Your Company
                    1. Check with the Sender
                      1. Report It to Your Email Provider
                        1. Delete the Email
                          1. Don't worry and Carry on .
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