1.3 storage


Mind Map on 1.3 storage, created by paige timmis on 21/11/2019.
paige  timmis
Mind Map by paige timmis, updated more than 1 year ago
paige  timmis
Created by paige timmis almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

1.3 storage
  1. primary storage refers to the memory areas that the cpu can access very quickly.
    1. cpu registers, cache, ROM,RAM
      1. primary storage has the fastest read/write speed and is mostly volatile
      2. secondary storage is non- volatile
        1. its where all data (operating system applications and user files are stored when not in use.
          1. it includes magnetic hard disk drives, solid state drives.
            1. CD,SD cards
            2. Read/write speeds are much slower compared to primary storage
            3. Hard disk drives are the traditional internal storage in PCs and laptops.
              1. a hard disk is made up of a stack og magnetised metal disks spinning at a rate of between 5400 and 15000rpm(reveloutions per minute)
                1. Data is stored magnetically in small areas called sectors within circular tracks.
                  1. portable HDDs are popular for backing up and transporting large amounts of data
                    1. Despite their moving parts , HDDs are generally very long lasting and reliable.although they could be damaged by large impacts like being dropped.
              2. solid state drive (SSDs) are storage devices with no moving parts.
                1. most of them use a type of flash memory
                  1. SSDs are used for the same purpose as HDDs- for internal storage.
                    1. SSDs have signficantly faster read/write than HDDs. using a SSD rather than traditional HDD can give quicker times for booting up.
                  2. optical discs are things like CD, DVDS and Blu-ray
                    1. CDs can hold around 700MB of data. DVDs can hold around 4.7GB
                    2. magnetic tape has much greater storage capacity than HDDs.
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