Sustainability Initiatives of Disney


Mind map of the sustainability initiatives of Disney. A school assignment
David Drobny
Mind Map by David Drobny, updated more than 1 year ago
David Drobny
Created by David Drobny over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Sustainability Initiatives of Disney
  1. Sustainability Concept
    1. Triple Bottom Line
      1. Profit
        1. People
          1. Planet
        2. Sustainability Goals
          1. Environment
            1. Reduce Carbon Emissions
              1. Clean Energy
                1. Solar Power
                  1. 2016 Mickey Solar Array
                    1. 70 acre Solar Facility
                    2. Transportation
                      1. Renewable diesel fuel
                    3. Environment-friendly design
                      1. Equipment
                        1. Parks
                          1. Buildings/Renovation
                            1. Urban Planning
                          2. Waste Diversions
                            1. Waste management
                              1. Zero-waste initiatives
                                1. Reduce and Reuse
                                2. Water Conservation
                                  1. Recycling resort water
                                    1. Irrigation and drought tolerant plants
                                      1. Water conservation building and urban plan and design
                                      2. Reduce Plastic
                                        1. Eliminate single-use plastics
                                          1. Complete removal of Polystyrene cups
                                            1. Reduce/Eliminate shopping bags
                                              1. Reduce in-room plastics
                                              2. Saving Wildlife
                                                1. Conservation Fund
                                                  1. Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund Awards Grant (1995 - current)
                                                    1. Conservation Heroes (2015- current)
                                                    2. Employee volunteering on local conservation projects (2015-current)
                                                      1. Awareness
                                                        1. Protect the Pride Campaign (2019- current)
                                                          1. Educating children and families
                                                      2. Social
                                                        1. Healthy Living
                                                          1. Healthy Food options and sales
                                                            1. Family-friendly advertising
                                                            2. Volunteering
                                                              1. Charitable Giving
                                                                1. Employee Engagement
                                                                  1. Training
                                                              2. Cost Savings
                                                                Show full summary Hide full summary


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