Input,output and process


Ananya Binu
Mind Map by Ananya Binu, updated more than 1 year ago
Ananya Binu
Created by Ananya Binu almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Input,output and process
  1. Input
    1. Objects like computer mouses are inputs
      1. Inputs is when you put something into a computer
        1. Fingerprint sensors are a part of input
          1. Keyboard is an input
          2. Output
            1. Objects like printers are outputs
              1. Outputs is when something is displayed on a screen
                1. Monitors are outputs
                  1. Microphones are output
                  2. Process
                    1. Process is between the input and output
                      1. Its what happens in the device
                        1. For example , a smoke detector has its process. First the input detects the smoke then the process sends messages to the alarm.The output is when the alarm goes off
                          1. Every device has a process
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