The connection between 2 neurons is called a
synapse, the nerve signal is transferred by chemicals
which diffuse cariss the gap, these chemicals then set
off a new electrical signal in the next neurone.
Reflexes help prevent
Reflexes are rapid and automatic to certain stuff
that don't involve the consious part of the brain-
they can reduce that chances of injury, the assge of
inofrmation ina reflex is called a felfex arc.
The reflex arc goes
through the Central
Nervous System (CNS).
The neurons in reflex arcs got through the spinal cord or through
an unconsious part of the brain, when a stimulus is detected by
receptors impulses are sent along a sensory neurone to a relay
neurone in the CNS, when the impulses reach a synapse between
the sensory neurone and the relay neurone they trigger chemical
to be released which causes impulses to be sent along the relay
neurone, when impulses reach a synapse between the relay and
motor neurone impluses are sent which travel along the motor
neurone to the effector which is usually a muscle.