The brain is part of the Central
Nervous System and different
regions have different functions
they are in charge of.
Parts of the Brain
Cerebral Cortex
Outer part which is responsible for
things such as consciousness,
intellegence, memory and language.
Controls unconscious activities like
breathing and your heartbeat.
Responsible for muscle coordination
Mehtods used to study the
Studying pateints with brain
If a small part of the brain has been damaged, the
effect this has on the patient can tell you a lot
about what the damaged part does.
Electrically stimulating
the brain
By pushing a tiny electrode into the
tissue and giving it a small zap of
electricity. By observing what
stimulating different parts of the brain
does it gives an idea of what each part
MRI Scans
Magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) scanner porduces a
detailed picture of the brain and
helps identify each part and its