A451 - 1.2: Memory


Mind Map on A451 - 1.2: Memory, created by Blgr64 on 20/02/2015.
Mind Map by Blgr64, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Blgr64 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

A451 - 1.2: Memory
  1. Memory
    1. There's ROM and RAM
      1. ROM: Read-Only Memory
        1. RAM: Random-access Memory
        2. ROM
          1. It stores the instructions used for when the computer is booted up
            1. It retains memory after being switched off, it is non-volatile
              1. The memory is important as it is needed to boot up the computer
                1. It is 'read only' it cannot be edited by the user
                2. RAM
                  1. RAM is volatile, it is cleared when it loses power
                    1. RAM is needed to have multiple applications on and to switch between them
                      1. If too many apps are open, the computer may begin to slow down, the RAM is getting full, therefore performance can be improved with more RAM
                        1. There is static RAM and Dynamic RAM
                        2. RAM and Performance
                          1. When RAM gets full, the computer crashes or stops responding
                            1. Some computers resort to using 'Virtual Memory' but this is much slower and just slows the computer down when RAM is full
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