Compare & Contrast short term habituation & long-term habituation


undergraduate Learning & Cognition PSY 318 Mind Map on Compare & Contrast short term habituation & long-term habituation, created by kellyjeanbean on 14/09/2013.
Mind Map by kellyjeanbean, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kellyjeanbean over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Compare & Contrast short term habituation & long-term habituation
  1. Short-term habituation
    1. Rapid presentation of a stimulis with a short interval between presentation results in habituation but see spontaneous recovery the degree of recovery depends on rest interval
    2. Habituation: React less to something with more experience
      1. Habituation reflects a decreased responsiveness of innate reflexes
        1. Characteristics of Habituation
          1. 1. Specific to a particular stimulus malable 2. Will recover with new, dissimilar stimuli 3. Temporary, dissipate with time (spontaneous recorvery) 4. Not all behaviors habituate (flavor neophobia) 5. Variable in the length of of recovery 6. Sensitive to stimulus frequency (higher frequency-slower recovery) 7. Sensitive to stimulus intensity (greater intensity-slower recovery) 8. Exposure to 2nd stimulus can cause recover of 1st (dishabituation) recovery
          2. Long-term habituation
            1. One stimulus presentation a day See more long term effects See less spontaneous recvover
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