

Made by : Clement Limuel
clem .
Mind Map by clem ., updated more than 1 year ago
clem .
Created by clem . about 5 years ago
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Resource summary

    1. Agnatha (Jawless Fishes)
      1. Group of fishes with a suctorial or filter-feeding mouth; no true jaws
        1. Cyclostomes
          1. Ostracoderms (Extinct)
            1. Lamprey
          2. Chondrichthyes (Cartilaginous Fishes)
            1. Group of fishes that have skeletons made of cartilage rather than bone
              1. Elasmobranchii ( Sharks, Rays, and Skates)
                1. Holocephali (The Chimeras)
                2. The Great White Shark
                3. Osteichthyes (Bony Fish)
                  1. Group of fish that have skeletons primarily composed of bone tissue, as opposed to cartilage.
                    1. Actinopterygii ( Ray-finned FIshes)
                      1. Sarcopterygii ( Lobe-finned Fishes)
                      2. Salmon
                    2. CHARACTERISCTICS
                      1. They use gills for respiration.
                        1. The body is usually streamlined. Some have a spindle-shaped or elongated body as well.
                          1. The internal skeleton is bony or cartilaginous.
                            1. The nervous system comprises of the brain and ten pairs of the cranial nerves.
                              1. They are Ectothermic, which means they're cold blooded animals
                              2. Limbless cold-blooded vertebrate animal with gills and fins and living wholly in water.
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