Antarctica has not been
politically territorialised. It is
an exception to all other
countries in the world (p. 162)
Some parts have been claimed by
some nations, like Australia, Uk,
Argentina, Norway, New Zealand,
Effective Occupation in places
like Antartica, considered "terra
nullis". It does not require a
permanent population like in
settlements or fencing. All it
needs is some sort of official
presence, like base camps and
scientific stations p. 177
Contestation over sovereign
claim over Antarctica has led to
fact that continent became global
common (p 163)
Global common: areas of the planet that are not under
any sovereign owenership like the Atmosphere or the
seabed or Antarctica (p . 163)
Collective ownership.
Sovereign States: where one nation state has total legal
jurisdiction over the territory and regulate the flows
coming and going (p. 166)
Sovreignty requires states to cooperate
and work together. UN is a creation of
cooperation amongs nation states (p. 167)
The UN is a community
of sovereign states , the
UN guides the states
rather then regulate
them (p.168)
Sovereignty has to be reciprocal in
order to be effective, it regulates
territories and flows. p. 169
Antarctica is a dynamic territory and the dedinition of borders
is difficult. Flows of ice, sea and living creatures make it a
dynamic territory (p. 172-3)
It is a challenge to the concept of
sovereign territory.