A BTEC Performing Arts DISTINCTION level student...


Mind Map on A BTEC Performing Arts DISTINCTION level student..., created by paula.simmons on 22/02/2015.
Mind Map by paula.simmons, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by paula.simmons almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

A BTEC Performing Arts DISTINCTION level student...
  1. ...can...
    1. perform with confidence, energy, commitment and focus
      1. set and meet targets
        1. work as part of an ensemble
          1. create original pieces of drama
            1. apply different acting styles
              1. critically analyse and evaluate their work
                1. work to deadlines
                  1. maintain excellent attendance & punctuality to rehearsals
                  2. ...knows...
                    1. how to respond to feedback
                      1. the acting skills needed for each unit
                        1. how to direct others
                          1. how to use technical vocabulary
                            1. how to structure and keep up to date a good logbook
                            2. ...writes..
                              1. in depth about their choices in terms of...
                                1. character development
                                  1. devised work
                                  2. achievable targets
                                    1. giving examples
                                      1. using excellent SPaG
                                        1. having considered their research
                                          1. analytically
                                            1. evaluatively
                                            2. ...independently...
                                              1. rehearses
                                                1. researches
                                                  1. styles
                                                    1. practitioners
                                                      1. historical contexts
                                                        1. plays / playwrights
                                                          1. themes
                                                          2. peer & self assesses
                                                            1. directs
                                                              1. takes risks
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                                                              G481 Mechanics Definitions
                                                              Chemistry Equations / Maths
                                                              Georgia B
                                                              9 History- The Treaty of Versailles
                                                              Ebola Virus Disease
                                                              Mapa Conceptual de Liderazgo
                                                              Sociology - Unit 1:Families and households
                                                              Jake Pickup
                                                              Stave One - A Christmas Carol
                                                              The Endocrine System
                                                              The Circulatory System
                                                              Hamza Ahmed
                                                              Phrasal Verbs
                                                              Felipe Veintimilla
                                                              VO QUALI uni wien
                                                              Jules D