

Mind Map on Strings, created by Aparna Dhirde on 16/03/2020.
Aparna Dhirde
Mind Map by Aparna Dhirde, updated more than 1 year ago
Aparna Dhirde
Created by Aparna Dhirde over 4 years ago

Resource summary

  1. a sequence which is made up of one or more UNICODE characters
    1. Examples
    2. Accessing Characters in a String
      1. Examples
      2. String is Immutable
        1. Examples
        2. String Operations
          1. Concatenation
            1. + used to merge
              1. Examples
            2. Repetition
              1. * used
                1. Examples
              2. Membership
                1. IN and Not in
                  1. Examples
                2. Slicing
                  1. Examples
                3. Traversing a String
                  1. Using For loop
                    1. Examples
                    2. Using While loop
                      1. Examples
                    3. Built in Functions
                      1. len()
                        1. Examples
                        2. title(), istitle()
                          1. lower(), upper(),islower(), isupper()
                            1. Examples
                            2. count(str, start, end)
                              1. Examples
                              2. find(str,start, end), replace(oldstr, newstr)
                                1. Examples
                                2. index(str, start, end)
                                  1. Examples
                                  2. endswith(),startswith()
                                    1. Examples
                                    2. isalnum(), isdigit(), isspace()
                                      1. Examples
                                      2. lstrip(),rstrip(),strip()
                                        1. Examples
                                        2. join()
                                          1. Examples
                                          2. partition(), split()
                                            1. Examples
                                          3. Handling Strings
                                            Show full summary Hide full summary


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