How to learn online-advantages


Basics Technology Training Mind Map on How to learn online-advantages, created by Julio Aldine Branch-HCPL on 18/03/2020.
Julio Aldine Branch-HCPL
Mind Map by Julio Aldine Branch-HCPL, updated more than 1 year ago
Julio Aldine Branch-HCPL
Created by Julio Aldine Branch-HCPL almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

How to learn online-advantages
  1. A good Internet connection for a great experience
    1. Great tools like Google Apps and web-based programs


      1. A good camera and microphone
        1. Tablet, laptop, smartphone
      2. In-person class
        1. Restricted hours
          1. limited space/ resources
            1. More time wasted/travel/off-topic, etc.
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