The Premature Burial; Edgar Allan Poe. Paola Herrera & Andrea panameño


Mindmap about the story
Paola Aracely Escobar
Mind Map by Paola Aracely Escobar, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Paola Aracely Escobar
Created by Paola Aracely Escobar over 4 years ago
Paola Aracely Escobar
Copied by Paola Aracely Escobar over 4 years ago

Resource summary

The Premature Burial; Edgar Allan Poe. Paola Herrera & Andrea panameño
  1. Plot
    1. Narrator fears
      1. Catalepsy
        1. sometimes the patient stays a single day or even more severe than exhilarated lethargy
          1. Caractheristics
            1. Patients lie for a short day or short period
              1. Senseless and emotionless
                1. Hearts pulsation faintly perceives
              2. He was afraid to be buried alive
              3. The narrator talks about cases of people being burried alive
                1. Mr. Edward Stapleton
                  1. Death of typhus fever.
                    1. His body was taken from his grave three days after his funeral to be dissect by some practitioners.
                      1. The practitioners made an incision on the abdomen of the man and applied a battery inside.
                        1. The practitioners made a rough gash in the man chest.
                          1. The man arose from the table.
                            1. Stapleton was alive and restores to health.
                              1. An officer of Artillery
                                1. man of gigantic stature and excellent health. he was knocked down by an indomitable horse and suffered a very serious concussion on his head
                                  1. Received a contusion after being thrown by a horse.
                                    1. Declared death.
                                      1. After his funeral a man declared feeling a commotion of the earth in the officer's grave.
                                        1. The people took spades and the head of the man appeared.
                                          1. Declared Alive in the hospital.
                                            1. The galvanic battery (medical experiments) killed him.
                                            2. Mademoiselle victorine Lafourcade
                                              1. A young woman of an illustrious family, rich and very beautiful. she had fallen in love with a poor litterateur but pride came to reject him and she ended up marrying a diplomat monsieur who on occasion was able to hit him. after spending miserable years she died.
                                                1. was buried, not in a crypt, but in a common grave
                                                  1. his love went to look for her with the romantic purpose of unearthing the corpse and seizing her precious hair when he found her alive when he reached the grave
                                                    1. the vital pulsations had not completely disappeared and the caresses of her loved one woke her up as she had been mistaken for dead
                                                    2. The wife of a lawyer
                                                      1. was in the city of Baltimore; she was suffering an inspected disease, she was supposed to be dead and had all the characteristics to be dead
                                                        1. Her faced was contracted
                                                          1. Her lips showed the usual marble pallor
                                                            1. her eyes had no shine lacked heat
                                                  2. The narrator talks about his own experience suffering of Catalepsy
                                                    1. And because of that, he decided to remodel the family vault so as to admit of being readily opened from within.
                                                      1. There were arrangements also for the free admission of air and light, and convenient receptacles for food and water, within immediate reach of the coffin intended for my reception
                                                        1. there was suspended from the roof of the tomb, a large bell, the rope of which, it was designed, should extend through a hole in the coffin, and so be fastened to one of the hands of the corpse.
                                                    2. The narrator suffered an experience which marked him forever.
                                                      1. He believed that he was buried alive in a grave that was not his.
                                                        1. He realized it was not like that and decided to make changes in his life,
                                                          1. He became a new man and decided to live a man's life.
                                                    3. Analysis
                                                      1. Poe is well known for this kind of stories, which always let us a message
                                                        1. There are moments when, even to the sober eye of Reason, the world of our sad Humanity may assume the semblance of a Hell- but the imagination of man is no Carathis, to explore with impunity its every cavern. Alas! the grim legion of sepulchral terrors cannot be regarded as altogether fanciful- but, like the Demons in whose company Afrasiab made his voyage down the Oxus, they must sleep, or they will devour us- they must be suffered to slumber, or we perish.
                                                          1. In the paragraph before we can take a look at the kind of thought that the writer had. facing a mental issue as Catalepsy is something which some people have to live with. Imagine living your life with the fear of felt unconscious and then being buried alive. How the narrator faced it and then how he could get over it was what amazed the most and showed us that we can always fight back.
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