Germany - Treaty of Versailles


GCSE Germany Mind Map on Germany - Treaty of Versailles, created by a.wall on 03/03/2015.
Mind Map by a.wall, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by a.wall over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Germany - Treaty of Versailles
  1. Territory
    1. All Colonies Alsace-Lorraine Polish Corridor Saar
      1. Many Germans become refugees families divided cultural changes
    2. Agreed in 1919 by France, Britain and Germany
      1. Ends WW1
        1. Germany unhappy with the terms
          1. Armaments
            1. 100,000 man army no tanks no planes no submarines 16,000 sailors and 6 battleships
              1. Armaments industries out of business millions of soldiers unemployed armed men on streets
            2. League of Nations
              1. Germany not allowed to join
                1. Germany unable to settle international disputes easily
              2. War Guilt
                1. Germany has to accept responsibility for starting WW1
                  1. Germans unhappy to take blame see themselves as victims, 4th country to enter WW1
                2. Reparations
                  1. £6.6 billion payable to Britain France and Belgium
                    1. Germany unable to rebuild economy or change from wartime economy due to lack of funds
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