Dependency theorist: wanted to free country from
foreign economic control of US multinationals
Minority Liberal gov
Depended on NDP support
Created Petro-Canada (an oil crown corporation)
National Energy program 1980-1985
2 price oil system
Export tax
Subsidies for domestic consumption
Results in first federal deficit (1974)
To protect Canadian oil industries from international shocks/ influence
Assumes: rising prices, rising need
for exports and that national is better
Eventually exchanged for more modest policy, since
deficit --> recession. Also, increase in production from
subsidies was not successful bc of international oil glut.
Canadian Petroleum Association and Independent Petroleum Association lobbied against NEP
Foreign Investment Review Agency
To ensure foreign acquisition and
establishment of businesses was
beneficial to CA
Nationalists feared without fed involvement, the energy
sector would become an oligopoly-dominated cartel
Central Provinces
Ontario, Quebec
Conflict between these two: Ontario is
dominant and more industrialized with
better natural advantages
Peripheral provinces
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, British
Columbia, PEI, New Brunswick, Nova
Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador
Provincial vs Federal conflict
Periphery felt that
government policies
favoured central provinces
This was politically necessary
since these provinces had the
highest populations
Fed tried to foster national cohesion
Encouraged spread of (and assimilation into) metropolitan centers, as
opposed to compromising and limiting the power of the centers
Lougheed -Premier of Alberta 1971-1985
Disagreed with NEP, wanted provinces
to have more power over their own
Wanted American investment
Argued that Ottawa was unwilling to compromise. Alberta gov
encouraged development of technical skill and capacity, and
advancements in oil sector. Fed interference stopped all this
Taxation of oil
Created disincentive to work
Main cause of conflict
BNA 109: gives control of land
and natural resources to
Changes to Constitution: gives
overriding responsibilities to fed
regarding interprovincial and
international trade, gives fed
responsibility to stimulate industry in
name of national development
Regional differences
3 areas of conflict
Different regions had different natural advantages
Peripheries depended on subsidies
and equalization payments
Central province economies were diversified
Peripheral economies were resource-based
Ethno-cultural co-existance
Conflict between Franco and anglo-canadians
General info
Prime Ministers
1957-1963 Diefenbaker
Continental US-CA energy policy
1963-1968 L.B. Pearson
1968-1979 Trudeau
1/2 franco, 1/2 anglo
Saw CA as a united front, Idealist
Saw CA as middle ground
between US capitalism and
Soviet socialism
Very confident in his
own views, but
Catholic: balanced intellectuality and morality
1979-1980 Joe Clark
1980-1984 Trudeau
National Energy Program
1984-1993 Mulroney
Free Trade Agreement
1988-1994 (CA-US form strong
relationship, continentalism)
NAFTA 1994 onwards
1984-1984 Turner
At this time, we thought
inflation was the main issue in
the economy
1957-1972 Commissions
Gordon report, Wahn report, Gray report (see note)
5 concerns identified:
The amount of FDI
The amount of US investment
relative to other countries
The concentration of this
investment in certain sectors
Lack of investment
opportunities for Canadians
Implied political
dependencies on US
5 recommendations:
Restrict all foreign capital
Subsidize domestic research
and tech
Canadian development corp
Establishment of FIRA
(Foreign Investment Review Agency)
New industrial strategy
Changing international factors
Oil crises (1973, 1979)
Uncertainty over access to oil
Increased oil prices
Anti-corporate feeling
1979- Canadians can't afford oil, stagflation
(high inflation and high unemployment)